Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Nation In Turmoil

Oh, tell me, my father, what is it you see?
A flag, all ragged and tattered with wear,
Yet still represents the Land of the Free,
While waving it’s misery ’round in the air.

Oh, tell me, what is it you hear, my son?
The cries from the wounded, now dead.
Triumphant shouts from victories won,
Tears and memorials, much left unsaid.

Oh, tell me, my love, what is it you fear?
Our nation is chaos, war, and much pain.
Those blinded by it don’t seem to care,
That now there is nothing worth left to gain.

Remember the words passed throughout the land:
Divided we’ll go, but united we’ll stand.

Monday, January 11, 2010


I sit here all alone with the wind blowing through my hair,
here I'am enclosed in a shell of my own and no longer does anyone care.
I feel water has moved away from the bay, and my sand castle has been blown away.
I'am fully aware of the fact that I have done mistakes,
and I know that in life there are no retakes.
the clouds of darkness are shielding me,
will an angel ever come and set me free.
I walk in the rain so that no one can see my pain
will there ever be an angel who will see to it
that I no longer dwell in the memory lane.
the mist doesn't seem to be clearing,
and the sadness doesn't seem to be decreasing,
the people who broke my heart I will no longer be needing,
and of late loneliness is all that I have been feeling.
but I have faith that the sun will shine through the darkness,
and again I will see happiness.
Though in the past people have been fake,
let's see what life offers

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


If only it were so simple,
to cruise through life smelling roses;
but the obstacles blacken the countryside,
and we unwittingly crush them beneath our boots.

Dreams sustain us through the madness;
goals give a finish line to our race.
Yet they change with every turn, around every wall,
and remain elusive throughout the quest.

Mistakes are made, and regrets are our luggage;
we will drag them with us to slow us down.
The victories are flashes of light, sudden and unlasting, which allow us
to glimpse the road ahead before darkness descends.

Love is bitter, yet it is the bread that keeps us.
Over and over it fills us up, only to starve us.
The people whom we love shape our destinies and our strengths,
yet leave us cold and alone in the darkness.

There are others trying to race to the end;
occasionally, we bump into one or two.
The bonds we form help us down the path less lonely
but eventually, we lose each other in the darkness.

Alone is not a bad way to be;
it clears your head and focuses you on the journey.
Cherish the short intervals during the quest you have with others,
but be prepared to walk alone in the darkness.